Sıkça Sorulan Sorular


Are you having this problem for the first time!

Do not panic. Here our customer relations are waiting to help you. If you wish call us immediately (02164550323) or for emergency just call (05335817726). Our good-humoured and well informed staff is ready to help you.

Transport your media to us without any intervention. This is vital for us. The success for the medias which are interfered before will be lower and the pricing for data recovery will increase.

You may reach your media to us via cargo. Yurtiçi cargo is our contracted cargo company. Cargo payment is yours regardless of company.

Packaging conditions are vital for us. You must immobilize your media in the box and pack it so that it doesn’t get any damage, put FRAGILE tag on it. Afterwards you should send it our Headquarters Atasehir. You don’t need to send accessories belong to media (box, cable etc.) we do not need them during data recovery process.

You may place application form into the box by downloading it onto your computer and afterwards by printing it or you may fill the application form online from our website. After that you may directly send your media to us.

If you are nearby, we wish to host you in our office in order to meet and show our headquarters. We wish you offer coffee while registration of your media which is handled by yourself.


As soon as your broken media or experiencing data loss media reaches to us, we register it with unique follow-up number into our system as its serial number is taken as a basis.

After registration you will have a follow-up number via SMS. By this number you can follow your case on our website while process is going on.

Analyse process starts immediately once the media reaches to us!

Analyse for disks having mechanical problems: Analyse period changes according to our workload. Analyse is terminated maximum 1-2 work days (there may be exceptional situations, this period is valid for one media). The problem is understood without intervention while analysing, afterwards an offer is prepared considering know-how information, duration for data recovery process, equipment to be used for the operation, operations to be done. If you do not accept the offer, we do not start operation for recovery. Analyse is done without any harm to your disk and without enforcement.

If you accept the offer, the recovery operation starts, if you do not accept, you mechanical problem media is returned as the form it has arrived without any operation.

Our analyse is free of charge for the medias which has not been responded to the failure before reaching us. For the disks whose cover is opened before, we request a slight price for analyse. You may ask for this via e-mail ( or phone call (02164550323).

Analyse for disks having logical problems: we duplicate the media, which has experienced data loss, into one of our disks. Put aside your original media. We start scanning on this image disk. During analyse period we complete all this process with all details. For this reason analyse period for these cases changes 4 to 10 days depending on the size of the disk or scan type as the process also includes total operation.

Analyse is free of charge for disks having logical problem (sometimes if disk number rises analyse fee can be requested as the area for duplicating will increase too).

Pricing Policy

Pricing policy is quite obvious. There is no trick. You will price offer according to problem. As we know, when you do not accept our offer you will get back your media as you leave to us and this is your leading right.

Pricing depends on the problem of media and if the data could be recovered; price offer is formed according to operation technique, equipment to be used, difficulty range, duration before start of process and intervention.

Operation technique
Equipment to be used
Difficulty range


Data Recovery Process

-Receiving the media and register it to our follow-up program
-Completing the analyse and determining the problem
-Preparing price offer depending on the problem
-Delivering price offer
-Getting ready the data in case of offer acceptance
-Data control of the client
-Gaining validity of the offer if the client accepts the data
-Data transfer of the recovered data into media which customer brings us and terminating the whole process
-Media return of the medias whose result is not accepted or the price offer is not approved and return of the advanced payment if there is one before.

Data Control

Data control by you is indispensable rule for us. Whatever happens, what is the price offer you will control the data at the end. You may not approve the data recovered, if you approve, the offer becomes valid. The offer becomes void once we do not get approval from the data control, the case is closed as negative. No price is requested in this case. If there is an advanced payment before, it is returned.

Data Recovery Guarantee

Before analysis and start of process this kind of guarantee cannot be given, nevertheless, we provide more realistic warranty. You don’t have to pay if the recovered data is useless for you. Whatever the offer is at the beginning which you accept, if you do not approve the data recovered at the end, the operation is cancelled and you get back your media without paying nothing.


Our company is sector leader for 12 years and it is a laboratory constantly improving and cohesive to laws. Founded by foreign counterparts, our laboratory has certificated engineer staff. It is a group of professionals who have been working together since the foundation and knowledge, experience are kept in the boundaries of company. Data privacy is our first principle. Tens of precautions have been provided inside of the company.

We wish to mention them briefly;

-A security record is taken at the entrance of company with camera and turnstile
-The area where we accept the clients is observed 24 hours with security cameras.
-In our laboratory totally Turkish, certificated, highly trained, experienced engineers work with privacy contracts with high penal sanctions.
-Elevator drop to the laboratory is encoded.
-Door entrance is with fingerprint reader. Inside of the laboratory the security cameras record 7/24.
-A privacy contract is made with real people or legal people who wish to make contract.
-There cannot be encountered even slightest data privacy violation for 12 years history of our company
-Our adaptation period has been completed to Turkish Personal Data Protection Law and total adaptation is provided by INLAW Law Office.
-We have passed ISO 9001 Certification period through SGS company inspection and we may declare that we are authorised to get the certificate.


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